
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The Right Thing To Do

I read a news written at the star newspaper with a headline "Cop Apologies for Slapping Student".

In the news paper, it was stated that the cop slapped the form five student without any reason and the form five student suffered injuries on his right cheek. What a pity boy. He didn't even do anything wrong. He just accompanied his friend to the senior assistant room and suddenly he was slapped by this police man.

This case was at first being brought up to the court but since the police man had apologised for the action that he had done. Somehow this case was settled.

I do believe that any action without any reason is not a good action. The very good example is this cop slapping a student for no reason. Why should he slap a student? Wondering..

But it is a right step that he take. He decided to apologize for the no reason action that he had done. Sometimes, apologizing can solve problem. It is better to think first before doing any action because every action has a risk.

For this case, the police man has done the right thing for the action that he has done which eventually put the victim at ease and solved out the problem.

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